Dear Prospective Computer Engineers,
Computer engineering is a discipline that integrates several fields of computer science and electronics engineering required to develop computer hardware and software.
The aim of Department of Computer Engineering is to impart quality education in the field of Computer Science and technology..
The department offers excellent academic environment with a team of highly qualified faculty members to inspire the students to develop their technical skills and inculcate the spirit of team work in them.
The teaching and learning process emphasizes equally on theoretical and practical aspects catering to the needs of industries.
The thrust is given to programming, Database, Networking , software Engineering and security oriented subjects.
The department of Computer Science and engineering started an Association named “CSI- Computer Society of India” through which various technical and non technical events are conducted.
The department organizes various technical workshops, seminars to gain knowledge about the latest trends in technology.
The students have ample employment opportunities in areas such as software, Hardware & Networking, Database, Networking , Ethical hacking & security , Digital marketing .
With rapidly evolving technology and the continuous need for innovation the department has always produced quality professionals, holding important positions in Information Technology research and industry in India and abroad.
I wish you all the best for undergraduate program of Computer Engineering in our college and hope you will bring laurels home for yourself and our college.
Dr. Anil W. Kale
Assoc. Prof & HOD,
Dept. of Computer Engineering