Testing of Materials laboratory(Concrete Technology)
Laboratory In-charge – Mrs. S.S. Patil
Location of laboratory – D -108
Area of laboratory – 138.4 Sq.m
Laboratory Resources – Equipment : 1.Compression Testing Machine 2.Vibrating Table 3.Abrasion testing Machine 4.Vibration Machine 5.Vee-Bee Apparatus, 6. Compaction factor apparatus 7. Trays, Graduated measuring cylinders. 8.Flow Table 9.Aggregate Impact Tester 10. Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus 11.Slump Test Apparatus 12. Concrete Test hammer 13. VICAT Apparatus 14. LEE Chatelier’s Apparatus 15.Thickness and length Guages, 16. IS Sieves 17. Concrete Pan mixer 18. Electronic Platform Balance 19. Digital Electronic Balance 20. Cube, Beam, Cylindrical moulds
Surveying laboratory Laboratory In-charge – Mr. A.R. Bansode Location of laboratory – D-105 Area of laboratory – 69.2 Sq.m Laboratory Resources – Equipment :1.Total Station2.One second digital Theodolite3.Digital level 4. Auto level 5. Garmin GPS Receivers 6. Mirror Stereoscope 7.Dumpy level 8.Prismatic compass9.Plane Table10.Direct reading vernier transit theodolite11. Aluminum Staff 12. Metric chain 13. Tape 14.Arrow 15. Pegs etc. |
Geotechnical Engineering laboratory
Laboratory In-charge – Mrs. G.V.Kulkarni
Location of laboratory – D-106
Area of laboratory–69.2Sq.m
Laboratory Resources – Equipment :1. Direct shear test apparatus 2. Unconfined compression test 3.Tri-axial shear test apparatus 4.Liquid limit apparatus 5.Plastic Limit Apparatus 6.Shrinkage limit apparatus 7. IS Sieves and Sieve shaker 8.Core cutter 9.Density basket 10.Universal or combination permeability 11.Pycnometer 12.Vane Shear Apparatus 13.Standard ProctorApparatus 14.Permeability apparatus etc
Environmental Engineering laboratory
Laboratory In-charge – Mr. G.S.Anaokar
Location of laboratory – D-110
Area of laboratory – 103 Sq.m
Laboratory Resources – Equipment :
1. Muffle Furnace 2. BOD Incubator 3. Autoclave 4. Jar Test Apparatus 5. COD digester 6. Water Bath 7. pH meter 8. Conductivity Meter 9. Flame Photometer 10. Specrophotometer 11. Naphelometer Turbidity Unit 12. Centrifuge Machine 13. Dissolved Oxygen Meter
Engineering Geology laboratory
Laboratory In-charge – Mr. A.K.Chorage
Location of laboratory – D-106
Area of laboratory – 69.2 Sq.m
Laboratory Resources – Mineral specimens (around 50), Rock specimens (around 50), Contoured geological maps etc.
Transportation Engineering Laboratory
Laboratory In-charge – Mr. A.D. Kulkarni
Location of laboratory – D-113
Area of laboratory – 69.2 Sq.m
Laboratory Resources – Equipment :1. Marshal Stability Test, 2. Ductility Test, 3. Los Angeles Abration Test, 4. Bitumen Extractor, 5.Bitumen Penetration Test, 6. Softening Point of Bitumen, 7.Viscosity of Bitumen Test, 8. Flash Point & Fire point Test.
CAD laboratory/GIS Excellence Center
Laboratory In-charge – Mr.H.S.Mandwe
Location of laboratory – D-313
Area of laboratory – 69.2 Sq.m
Laboratory Resources – 30 Computers with Auto cad installation
Strength of Materials laboratory
Laboratory In-charge – Mr. R.M.Raut
Location of laboratory – D-102
Area of laboratory – 69.20 Sq.m
Laboratory Resources – 1.Impact Testing Machine 2. Tile Flexural Testing Machine 3. Universal testing machine 4. Torsion testing machine etc.
Model and Material laboratory (Beyond Curriculum)
Laboratory In-charge – Mr. A.V. Wakchaure
Location of laboratory – D116
Area of laboratory – 69.20Sq.m
Laboratory Resources –All Models and Materials of Civil Engineering
Utilization of Lab –To Create Awareness and Feel of Actual Work Site

Plumbing laboratory (Beyond Curriculum)
Laboratory In-charge –Mr. A.K.Chorage
Location of laboratory – —
Area of laboratory –24 Sq.m
Laboratory Resources –All Plumbing Accessories and Its Assemble Location in Building.
Utilization of Lab: To Study Various Plumbing and Sanitary fixtures, Connections and Pipe lines which is used in globally.

Basic Civil and Environmental Laboratory
Laboratory In-charge –Mr.M.J. Mohite
Location of laboratory – A-402
Area of laboratory –116.66 Sq.m
Laboratory Resources –Equipment : Digital Planimeter – Sokkia KP-90N, Prismatic,Dumpy level with stand, Laser Level JP6 Range 30 M, Global Positioning System (Hand Held GPS) GPS -72, Moment of Inertia of Flywheel, Chain Pully Block Worm Gear Type I Ton.
Hardware :Pentium-IV Machines (1 nos.)
Software : Windows XP, MS Office xp, AutoCAD 2006.
Engineering Mechanics Laboratory
Laboratory In-charge –
Location of laboratory – A-404
Area of laboratory –85 Sq.m
Laboratory Resources –Simply Supported Beam, V-Belt Friction, Law of Polygon, Curvilinear motion etc.