Automobile Excellence Lab
Lab In charge: Prof. G V Tote / Prof. P A Parit
Location of Lab: Ground Floor (Workshop)
Area of Lab: 75 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources :
Major Equipment: Hydraulic Ramp, Power Screw, Canopy for Powerpack, Port Cleaner, Hydraulic Oil for Ramp, Parts Trolly, Oil for Air Compressor, Air Gun, Tyre Pressure Gauge, Wire Brush, Pipe Wrench, Big Hammer, Battery Tester, Hydrometer, Compressor.
Utilization of Lab : UG & PG
Fluid Mechanics Lab
Lab In charge: Prof. S M Kamble/Prof. M M Dhere
Location of Lab: Ground Floor (New Building)
Area of Lab: 67.39 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources : Major Equipment: Metacentric Height of a ship, Bernoullie’s Theorem Apparatus, Venturimeter & Orifice meter, Reynolds Apparatus, Notch Apparatus, Pipe Friction, Hele Shaw Apparatus
Utilization of Lab : SE
Applied Thermodynamics Lab
Lab In charge: Prof. A R Bhagat/Prof. J K Tambe.
Location of Lab: Ground Floor (Workshop)
Area of Lab: 67.39 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources : Major Equipment: Bomb Calorimeter, Gas Calorimeter, Two Stage Reciprocating Compressor, Orsat Apparatus.
Utilization of Lab : SE
Heat Transfer Lab
Lab In charge: Prof. D. P. Kamble/ Prof. P. B. Chavan
Location of Lab: B-207 (First Floor)
Area of Lab: 87.5 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources : Major Equipment: Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Powder , Thermal Conductivity of Metal Rod, Pin Fin Apparatus, Natural Convection, Forced Convection Apparatus, Emissivity Measurment Apparatus, Stefan Boltzman Apparatus, Parallel Flow/ Counter Flow apparatus.

Dynamics of Machinary Lab
Lab In charge: Prof. H. P. Jagtap / Prof. S K Kusekar
Location of Lab: B-406 (First Floor)
Area of Lab: 66.22 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources :
Major Equipment: Motorised Gyroscope, Vib. Lab Frame, Static and Dynamic Balancing Machine
Utilization of Lab : BE

Theory of Machines & Mechanisms Lab
Lab In charge: Prof. Patil S. S.
Location of Lab: B-307
Area of Lab: 75.1 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources : Major Equipment: Compound Pendulam , Bifiller , Trifiller, Beam Engine , Double Hook Joint, Differential Gear Box , Synchromesh Gear Box, Epicyclic Gear Train, Cam Analysis , Measurement of Slip, Clutch test rig , Measurement of Power Transmitted, Centrifugal Governor.
Utilization of Lab : TE
CAD Lab (A)/CAD Lab (B), CAD Lab (C)
Lab In charge: Prof. S. S. Adewar/Prof. Mahamad Ziya, Prof. A B Joshi/Prof R K Petkar,Prof. S. S Kulkarni/Prof S B Swant
Location of Lab: B-202,B-203,B-404 Area of Lab: 45 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources : Major Equipment:CATIA V5 R-19 Education Version, Automation Studio Version 5.6 (6 Users), HP Designjet 500 MONO – 24″ Plotter, 30 Nos. PC ,HP dx 2480 PC, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, 15.6 wide screen TFT monitor, mouse, NVDI Graphics card, ACCEL Make 6KVA online UPS with 12V – 100AH MARC Tubular Batteries with Battery Stand & Links (Model HS6000) (12 Batteries each), LCD Projector sony VPL EX7, Automation Studio Version 5.6 (6 Users)
Utilization of Lab : SE,TE,BE
Mechatronics Lab
Lab In charge: Prof S H Joshi/Prof. S L Gadhave.
Location of Lab: B-406
Area of Lab: 66.22 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources :Major Equipment: Calibration of Flow Meter, Verification of P, P+I, P+D, P+I+D Control Action, Different Switches and Relays, A to D and D to A Convertor, Study of PID Controller, et up for calibration of flow meters.
Utilization of Lab : TE
Metrology & Quality Control Lab
Lab In charge: Prof. V. A. Randive/ Prof. P. S. Kamble
Location of Lab: B-208 First Floor
Area of Lab: 83.96Sq. M.
Laboratory resources : Major Equipment: Floating Carriage Dia. Measuring M/c, Slip Gauge Set & Sine Bar 200mm, Dial Calibration Tester, Mono-cromatic light source, Tool Makers microscope, Gear tooth Vernier & Digital micrometer, Profile Projector, Dial Indicator ( Dial type / Plunger type ), Surface Plate, Surface Roughness Measuring Instrument, Vernier Caliper of 100cm Size, Vernier Height Gauges
Utilization of Lab : TE

Metallurgy Lab
Lab In charge: Prof. P P Bartere /Prof. E. S. Mehta
Location of Lab: B-407
Area of Lab: 94.97 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources : Major Equipment: Double disk polishing Machine Motor 1/4 H.P, Trinocular Microscope with CC TV, Standard Metallurgical Microscope, Jominy End quench hardness test , Rockwell Hardness Tester Model MRS, Impact Testing Machine, Fluorescent Dye penetrant kit
Utilization of Lab : SE
Basic Mechanical Engineering Lab
Lab In charge: Prof. Karande A. V. / Prof. Supriya Gambhire
Location of Lab: A Building First Floor
Area of Lab: 70 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources : Major Equipment: Model of Cochran Boiler, Cut Section Model of 2 -Stroke petrol engine, 4 -Stroke petrol engine, Domestic Refrigerator, Window Air Conditioner, Model of chain Drive , Bearing set – Ball, Roller, Taper , Thrust, Model of V Belt Drive , Model of Keys , Couplings, Model of Claw Clutch , Conical Clutch, Centrifugal Clutch
Utilization of Lab : FE
Computer Graphics Lab
Lab In charge: Prof. A R Suryawanshi / Prof. Lawate D
Location of Lab: A Building First Floor
Area of Lab: 67.5 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources : Major Equipment: CATIA V5 R-19 Education Version, HP Designjet 500 MONO – 24″ Plotter, HP dx 2480 PC, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, 15.6 wide screen TFT, monitor, mouse, NVDI Graphics card, ACCEL Make 6KVA online UPS with 12V – 100AH MARC Tubular Batteries with Battery Stand & Links (Model HS6000) (12 Batteries each), LCD Projector sony VPL EX7, Automation Studio Version 5.6 (6 Users
Utilization of Lab : FE
Internal Combustion Engine Lab
Lab In charge Prof. Tanpure K. S.
Location of Lab: Ground Floor (Workshop)
Area of Lab: 75 Sq. M. Laboratory resources : Major Equipment: Single Cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine, Cut Section of Automobile Carburator, -SU Carburator, Solex, Carter, Engine Test Setup VCR (234)
Utilization of Lab : SE
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab
Lab In charge: Dr. Prabhune C. L. / Prof. Mutalik Desai
Location of Lab: B-406 First Floor
Area of Lab: 87 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources : Major Equipment: Vapour Compression Refrigeration Test Rig, Vapour Absorption Test Rig., Ice plant Test Rig., Air Conditioning Test Rig.
Utilization of Lab : TE
Industrial Fluid Power Lab
Lab In charge: Prof. Rahul Patil. / Prof. Kalyani Nikam
Location of Lab: B – 304
Area of Lab: 83.96 Sq. M.
Laboratory resources : Major Equipment: Advance Pnumetic Trainer, Air Compressor, Advance Hydraulic Trainer.
Utilization of Lab : BE
Power Plant Engineering Lab
Lab In charge: Prof. P. S Gadhave./ Prof. S M Godase
Location of Lab: Ground Floor (Workshop)
Area of Lab: 68.99 Sq. M.
Utilization of Lab : SE,BE