Mechanical Engineering Student’s Association

Dear Prospective Mechanical Engineers,
The mechanical engineering student association was formed on 15th September, 2000. It has a history of organizing various events that have been great success at their time. MESA draws a rich legacy of conducting cultural and technical events that have been helpful in not only bringing awareness regarding extracurricular activities in the students but also guiding them as on developing leadership and management techniques.

At MESA our team of enthusiastic coordinators work together with their heart and soul and making these events a success.

M.E.S.A. Committee

Sr. No. Name Post
1 Prof. T.D.Mali MesaIncharge
2 Mr. Sawant Rohan P. President
3 Mr. Attarde Darshan S Vice President
4 Ms. Unnithan Sruthi S Vice President
5 Mr. More Nikhil R. Secretary
6 Ms. Khandekar Akshata B Treasurer
7 Mr. Hedaoo Peeyush S Treasurer
8 Mr. Mahadik Kshitij K. Administrative Head
9 Ms. Chaudhary Jagruti R. LadiesRepresentative
10 Mr. Pawar Shubham Cultural Incharge
11 Mr.Patil Sujit S. Sports Incharge
12 Mr. Ghadge Swajeet V. Mesa Library Incharge