Author - Swati Dalvi

Orientation Program of First Year Engineering 2019-20

Orientation Program  for first year students & their parents was arranged on 13-08-2019 by Science and Humanity department for giving idea about academic activities to the students and parents.  Programme was attained by Management, Faculty Members, Students & Parents. Prof. Deepali Keskar (HOD) introduced the first year curriculam with the CBCS Evaluation System. Prof. V.J. Pillewan (Vice Principal – Academic) has given a piece of advice to the students. Dr. M.J. Lengare(Principal) delivered a speech and inspired the students to complete their engineering with a positive attitude. At the end Mr. Pradeepchandra Shrigarpure (CEO & Secretary) advised the parents to keep the track students while doing a course in the college and inspire them positively.

Farewell Function 2019

Mesa and Pesa student association organizes farewell function for Mechanical and Production students on 26-04-2019 at Seminar Hall. Head of Dept. Prof. K.A. Chaudhari and Prof. G.S. Darvankar addressed the final year students. Students share their experience and views about Institute. Small Cultural and entertainment programme was organized by the S.E. and T.E. Students followed by delicious lunch.



Convocation :  Date : 09/03/2019

Venue:  Seminar Hall

Batch : 2018

Chief Guest: Mr. Maheshkumar Hongal, Director, Marque advertising and publishing Pvt. Ltd. And Mr. Nitin Patil, Manager, Business operations, Sunways India Ltd

Convocation was celebrated in the college premises. The chairman and trustee members were also present in the program. The students shared their experience to about the institute. The chief guest Mr. Maheshkumar Hongal & Mr.Nitin Patil   guided the student for their bright future


Women Day Celebration 2019

The Women’s Day was celebrated on 08th March 2019. The special guest, Dr. Varsha  Milind Jadhav,Working as Professor in Pharmacognosy at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Pharmacy, Navi Mumbai was invited to guide and inspire the students.  She was felicitated by Dr. M. J. Lengare, Principal KGCE, Karjat.

Marathi Bhasha Gaurav Din

Marathi Bhasha Gaurav Din was celebrated in honour of the Marathi language and in keeping with the birth anniversary of Dyanpeeth award winner poet late V.V. Shirwadkar alias Kusumagraj on 27th February 2019 at KGCE in presence of respected Vice Principal Dr. V.J. Pillewan , Prof. G.G. Galgate, Prof. Deepali J. Keskar , all staff members and students. The function started with lighting of the lamp by the Chief Guest Mrs. Mitali Mahesh Musale.   Chief Guest  gave the importance of the language in her speech; also the rich history of the language was addressed. Theme of Program was MARATHI MHANI. Skits in Marathi were performed by the college students on different themes. The college crowd was overwhelmed with joy while watching the outstanding performances and different funny moments in the skit. The main motto of this event was that the new generation must understand the importance of the language. To keep its heritage alive among college students, this day is celebrated.


Seminar on Road Safety

Road Safety Week seminar was organized on 13/02/2019 at KGCE Seminar Hall.  This Seminar was organized in association with RTO Panvel & Samarth Motar School – Karjat.  Mr. Nilesh Dhote – RTO Inspector Panvel, Dr. M.J. Lengare –Principal  KGCE grace the occasion.  Mr. Vinay More delivered Video lecture on the Importance of Road safety and Preventive Measures.


IBSAR Octapace2019 Winners

Our College Students Mr. Yogesh Ugale, Mr. Aman Sonawane, Bhanupratap Singh & Shubham Shimpi Nitesh  participated in IBSAR Octapace 2019 Indoor Games Competition on 12/02/2019.

Chess :    1) Mr. Yogesh Ugale2) Mr. Aman Sonawane  3) Mr. Bhanupratap Singh

Carrom Doubles : 1) Mr. Bhanupratap Singh 2) Mr. Shubham Shimpi

Table tennis: 1) Mr. Shubham Shimpi


Workshop on “Big Data & Hadoop”

Department of Information Technology

Event Name: Workshop on “Big Data and Hadoop”

Date: 8th Feb. 2019 to 9th Feb. 2019

Venue: Seminar Hall

Participates: 40

Event Details:

Department of Information Technology in association with Innovians technologies organized an hands on workshop on “Big Data & Hadoop”.

Workshop mainly focuses on following topics.

  1. Introduction about Big Data
  2. Introduction about Hadoop
  3. Hadoop Ecosystem
  4. HDFS Programming
  5. Introduction about HIVE & PIG
  6. HBASE (more…)

ISRO Exhibition visit

Students of Electronics & Tele. Communication branch visited “ISRO Space Exhibition” organized by Vikram Saarbhai Space Exhibition(VSSE) at L.A.E.S English High School on 06/02/2019.

This exhibition was an attempt to share with general public our achievements, hopes and concerns through the media of models of camera of Mars mission, satellite models, scale down models of launch vehicles like PSLV & GSLV, various satellite models of INSAT and IRS, OCM, Aryabhatta, RISAT, working models showing satellites orbiting around earth, mechanical components parts used in satellites, video documentaries on launching and Mars mission, Upcoming Gaganyan Mission, Rocket Launches etc.
