Author - Swati Dalvi

Republic Day

The 70th Republic Day of India was celebrated with gaiety and patriotic fervour at Konkan Gyanpeeth College of Engineering College on  26th January, 2019. The ceremony took place in the presence of Mr. Pradeepchandra Shringarpure – CEO & Secretary, Mr. Zulkarnain Dabhiya – Treasurer ,  Dr. M. J. Lengare – Principal, Dr. V. J. Pillewan – Vice Principal (Acad.),  Prof. R. P. Narkhede – Vice Principal, HoDs of various departments, faculty, staff members and students.


Seminar on Challenges in Higher Education

On 17th January 2019, Konkan Gyanpeeth college of Engineering , Karjat organized a  Seminar on ” Challenges in Higher Education”. Dr. Sangeeta Vaidya Joshi ,the eminent Speaker, Professor and Technical Adviser from the department of Electronics Engineering VIT, Mumbai was invited as a Chief guest who delivered a Seminar on “Challenges in Higher Education”.

Principals and representatives of  various Jr.Colleges were invited to attend and share their thoughts and ideas on the subject.

Mr. Pardeepchandra Shringarpure – Secretary & CEO, Mr. Zulkarnain Dabhiya – Treasurer, Dr. M. J. Lengare – Principal along with Dr. V.J. Pillewan – Vice Principal(Academics) attended and addressed the audience in the programme.


NSS Camp @ adopted Village

NSS unit of Konkan Gyanpeeth college of Engineering , Karjat organized a camp in the adopted Village,Savele  from 05-01-2019 to 11-01-2019. This camp was organised with the help of Salokh Group Gram Panchyat. The main project for this camp was to make the village Clean. The Volunteers of the NSS unit performed many other activities – awareness programmes  for cleanliness of Village.


Workshop on “Cross – Platform Mobile Application Development

Department of Information Technology

Event Name: Workshop on “Cross – Platform Mobile Application Development”

Date: 2nd Jan. 2019 to 5th Jan. 2019

Venue: Computer Network Lab and Database Lab

Participates: 44

Event Details:

Department of Information Technology in association with ATS Learning Solution (A Microsoft Partner) organized an hands on workshop on “Cross – Platform Mobile Application Development” (CP-MAD) which refers to the development of mobile application that can be used on multiple mobile platforms of mainly focuses on following topics.

  1. HTML, CSS and Java Scripts
  2. UI design
  3. Ethical Hacking
  4. HTML Programs for developing simple web application like designing web pages for ex. Google page.
  5. Combining HTML and Java Script JQuery, using plugins in the code so that the application can work on mobiles as well
  6. Development of applications like GPS, Camera.

Ethical Hacking, using Command Prompt for the five securities, spoofing IP and MAC Address. Script Kiddies hacking techniques

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Birth Anniversary

Konkan Gyanpeeth College of Engineering celebrated the Birth Anniversary of the Great Indian Statesman, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (born 31st Oct, 1875) on 31 October 2018.  All teachers, students  & staff attended the event.  Prof. P. H. Nerpagar (NSS Co-ordinator), Prof. G.G. Galgate, Prof. P.D. Pulekar (HOD – Computer), Prof. G. V. Dakhave (HOD – EXTC)  & Prof. D.J. Keskar (HOD – Science & Humanities) actively participated in the program. The audience took the national Integration Oath on this occasion.

Programme end with Vote of Thanks.



Seminar on Quantum Mechanics

Science and Humanities department  had organized  Seminar on “Quantum Mechanics : Fundamentals and its Application”  for the students of First Year Engineering in the seminar Hall on 23rd October 2018. The Speaker for the lecture was Dr. Santosh Mani( Somaiya College) and Prof. Sameer Hadkar(BIT Kurla).

Seminar started with felicitation of Dr. Santosh Mani and Prof. Sameer Hadkar by Prof. S. M. Raul.

In the morning session Dr. Mani Sir explained the basic of quantum mechanics in a easy language.  Afternoon session took place with Application of Schrodinger equation. More than 110 Students had taken benefit of this session.


Seminar on Competitive Examination

As students  are facing difficulties to crack civil service examiantion, KGCE organized seminar on “Competitive Examination” by Dr. K. K. Jadhav, Director, UPSC, New Delhi on 17th October 2018 at Seminar Hall.

Dr. K.K. Jadhav has shared his experience related to UPSC Examination and guided the students. Seminar was interactive. Students asked various questions and Dr. K.K. Jadhav has given satisfactory answers. He encouraged and motivated the students for appearing Civil Service Examinations.
