Dear Prospective Mechanical Engineering Students:
Mechanical engineering is one of the major branches among the engineering profession and its principles are involved in the design, development and construction of nearly all the physical devices and systems.
This field requires the understanding of concepts related to mechanics, material science, thermodynamics, kinematics, mechanical design and analysis. The mechanical engineer uses these concepts with advanced tools like computer-aided softwares for design and analysis to develop industrial equipment, machinery and systems.
The student should have certain basic attributes for the entry into this branch. First and foremost, the student must have a leaning for mechanical components, machinery and its working. The students must be good at physics, chemistry, mathematics having good analytical, logical reasoning and problem solving skills.
The Mechanical Engineering graduates passed out from the department have been successfully placed in various public as well as private sector organizations. The students have ample employment opportunities in automobile engineering, manufacturing plants, steel, power sector, IT sector , hydraulics, mining industry, petroleum, aeronautical, biotechnology and many more.
Prof. Vikas .K.Gajare
Asst. Prof & HOD,
Dept. of Mech Engg.