Dear Prospective Production Engineering Students:
Production Engineering is a specialized branch of Mechanical Engineering and it is a combination of manufacturing technology with management science. The wide thrust is given to design and manufacturing of Products & Components, Management practices & techniques, Economics, Costing, Finance & Accounts, HR, Marketing and Systems oriented subjects. The syllabus of Production Engineering in University of Mumbai has full time six months In-plant training cum Field Project in various industries. This training is prescribed for students in the VII Semester (Final Year) of their curriculum, making it a sandwich type of course. This exposure to the industry during the period of six months ensures that a student gets an exposure to practical and live working practices of the industry. This is a unique feature available only in the Production Engineering curriculum at the graduate level courses of University of Mumbai, thereby ensuring that the students have 6 months of practical experience before they pass out of under graduation studies.
A production engineering students learns more about manufacturing engineering, material science, machining science & technology, machine design, process engineering & tooling, castings, metal cutting & tool design, metrology & quality control, machine tools, mould and metal forming tools, production & operation management, CAD modeling and analysis, automation, with almost single separate subject in all these above areas.
The Production Engineering graduates passed out in the last decade from the department have been successfully placed in various private sector as well as public sector organizations. The students have ample employment opportunities in areas such as core manufacturing, product design and development, tool design, planning and operations, maintenance and servicing, quality control, sales and marketing, production software development, entrepreneurship etc.
Prof. Ashish W. Khandalkar
Asst. Prof & HOD,
Production Engineering.